A Whole New Adventure
Admittedly, I'm the last person that I'd expect to be writing about health and wellness and how to be more natural in your life. I've always been the type to grab medicine or eat unhealthy comfort food and ignore wellness in my life. The last few years, however, I've been suffering from a chronic illness.
First, a little background info about my condition. I have a disease called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. I have had more than 17 surgeries in the past 6 years, including 3 full brain surgeries. Basically, I have too much spinal fluid. When it builds up, it puts pressure on your brain and optic nerves. This causes vision problems (I almost went blind) as well as excruciating pain, dizziness, vomiting, etc. I also have what is called status migrainosis, which means I can get migraines that last 3 days or more and require IV medication to "break them". I've had migraines so bad that I've been hospitalized, including one that mimicked a stroke.
I decided to start this blog because recently I began adapting to a much healthier lifestyle. No alcohol, exercising more, eating healthy, absolutely no soda (even diet is horrible for you!), lots of water, less medication, and using essential oils and other methods to help control my anxiety and pain. I am trying every day to be more positive and I love to read inspirational quotes so please feel free to comment some of your favorite quotes!
Every day is a work in progress. I'm certainly not perfect nor do I live a perfectly healthy lifestyle. The title of the blog is meant to be ironic because I'm truly an unlikely health nut. But the more I learn, the more interested I become and the more I want to learn! I want to use this blog to share natural remedies, recipes, exercises, products, and basically anything that I find is helpful or adds to my life. Even if I only help a couple people, I'd consider that a success!
"Slow progress is better than NO progress."
Love, Kase
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